Friday, October 31, 2008

The Meeting Of The Minds

Menchu, my cousin on the Sison side (daughter of Uncle Gening & Auntie Auring), used to teach Chemistry at the UP in Diliman. Here comes Rolex, the son of Uncle Toti & Auntie Rose on the Rosete side, as a student. Rolex would have that wide eyed look - not that he is very enthusiastic with the subject matter; he just inherited that trait (as Erich would say - wow wow wow boteng umiilaw). Fate would have had it for Rolex became a student of Menchu. Eventually, Menchu did inquire from Rolex if he is related to the Rosete side. Admit if you must Rolex - that might be an A without batting an eyelash. I never found out if Menchu learned about the relationship before or after Rolex's grade was issued.

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